The One & Only Gaming Club for Kids

About Us
Our E-Club consists of getting together on a regular basis in order to share ideas and enjoy activities based on our common interest—video games! Kid-E-Club promotes and expects a non-judgmental and supportive attitude from participants to maintain a healthy, family-friendly environment. If you’re interested in joining or would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
What We Do

Weekly Gaming Sessions
Special Events
Weekend Hangouts
Join Kid-E-Club
Sign up today & get ready to game on!

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a member to participate?
Yup, but membership is free! Just join the club using the form above & we'll be in touch to collect user names and provide welcome info :)
How do I join a session for the first time?
We'll make sure you have other members added to your friends list. Gaming sessions will be scheduled in advance, so you'll know just when to join, and we'll be using either Skype or Zoom to communicate while playing.
How often does Kid-E-Club meet?
We'll meet at least once a week for gaming sessions, occasionally we'll meet on weekends as well, and we'll have extra sessions for special events like Splat Fest.